Minister Killeen expressed concern after numerous residents reported to him that the back gardens of their homes were being flooded.
In a response to a written submission by Minister Killeen, an Ennis Town Council spokesperson commented, "Having examined the situation on the ground we have found that the water level in these gardens equates with the water level in the nearby Ballybeg Stream. When the stream is at an elevated level, the same water level unfortunately pertains in the gardens of these properties."
The spokesperson continued, "Given that one is effectively dealing with a high water table, resolution of the problem is difficult and costly. There are proposals in the preliminary report pertaining to the Ennis Main Drainage and Flooding Study to implement the resolution."
Minister Killeen said he had also learned from the Council that the normal outfall for the Ballybeg stream is a number of swallow holes in the area, which can become partially blocked.
"I have been informed by Ennis Town Council that once the stream level drops back it will examine the swallow holes in question and endeavour to minimise whatever partial blockages may be affecting them. I am hopeful that such efforts will resolve the problem affecting some residents at Clareabbey", said Minister Killeen.
Notes to Editor:
- Tony Killeen T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Environment Heritage and Local Government and Communication Energy and Natural Resources with special responsibility for Environment and Energy, is available for interview and further comment on 0035387-2525304. Alternatively please contact Mark Dunphy of Dunphy Public Relations on 00353868534900 or
- High-resolution images of Minister Killeen are available on request
Mark Dunphy
Dunphy Public Relations
00353-868534900 (mobile)
00353-656839692 (fax)
Killeen Seeks Resolution To Flooding Problem At Clareabbey
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