When this great country was first discovered by Columbus in 1492 it immediately became a place where the inhabitants could freely express themselves and enjoy the fruits of there labor without having to live by the rules of a Monarch. As time passed and more and more people continued to influx into the states it became clear many were here not to only express themselves freely but to achieve what became known as the American Dream.
The American Dream is a thought held by many Americans that through hard work and determination one can achieve prosperity. This thought has become a cornerstone of American society and many Americans have been able to achieve the American Dream through real estate investing!
Real estate investing has been such a large part of reaching the American Dream because there is no other investment that offers the same level of consistent returns as well as low levels of risk. Think about it. The real estate market has consistently seen an increase over the years and has at least kept pace with inflation. No longer do you have to deal with the volatility of the stock market but rather you have an investment that is backed by a tangible asset.
Well, where do you get started?
3 Techniques for Real Estate Investing
1. Buy and Hold: Buy a property and hold onto the property. Over time you not only will receive a monthly cash flow (rent) but also increased equity as your tenant pays down your mortgage.
2. Lease Option: Purchase a home subject to paying off the current mortgage and buying the home at a predetermined price down the road; maybe 2 or 3 years.
3. Pre-foreclosure: Get properties from banks and other lending institutions at up to 50% of the fair market value.
These are just 3 techniques for real estate investing that can help you reach the American Dream. There are many more techniques that are covered in more detail through the use of multiple interviews at our website; http://www.reaudiotips.com
Ross Treakle has been involved in real estate investing for 3 years. He has more recently strived to deliver quality information to other real estate investors at no cost as he believes that with proper education, more individuals will be able to reach the American Dream.
Contact Ross Treakle for more insights into this topic. Email: rtreakle@reaudiotips.com
Other helpful information regarding real estate investing can be found at: http://www.reaudiotips.com.
For More Information Contact:
Ross Treakle
Real Estate Investing And The American Dream!
Company: REAudio Tips LLC
Contact Name: Ross Treakle
Contact Email: rtreakle@reaudiotips.com
Contact Phone: 865-673-6920
Contact Name: Ross Treakle
Contact Email: rtreakle@reaudiotips.com
Contact Phone: 865-673-6920