Everyone nowadays seems to be blogging, whether the blog is about the latest search marketing techniques or how to mow your lawn; it’s definitely the ‘in-thing’ right now.
The marketing department at BathroomWorld realised the importance of this a long time ago and have rolled out blogs to other sites on the Online Home Retail network; now it’s BathroomWorld’s time.
The new blog is being hosted on Google’s Blogger platform which has been in existence for a very long time and is one of the favourite ‘blogging hot spots’ due to its tie in links with the Big G.
BathroomWorld have decided that it will publish a whole variety of different things on this blog; whether it’s the latest updates from the company or special offers and informative articles for its customers benefit. That means customers will continually benefit from subscribing to the blog or checking back for the latest updates; otherwise they risk missing out on some fantastic offers...
For anyone interested in the latest goings on and the aforementioned special offers; the BathroomWorld blog can be found here: http://bathroomworld.blogspot.co.uk/
Anthony Langston, Link Building Specialist at BathroomWorld commented on the new blog: "We’ve always been passionate about social media as a way to interact with customers and build up the brand; so it made complete sense to get a blog started. It has already been populated with some articles that will be useful to customers and we’re currently in the process of adding a limited time special offer... So keep your eyes peeled and subscribe!"
Scott Morris, Marketing Manager added: "The blog has already started attracting a good stream of visitors and receives a solid amount of traffic everyday from search engines and from the BathroomWorld website itself. Hopefully as the site increases in popularity the blog will also benefit from increased exposure as well."
The BathroomWorld is hosted on the large Online Home Retail network at present. The network already hosts close to 50 niche-specific websites which sell a whole range of products, varying from circular saws all the way to winter snow shovels and tools. Online Home Retail Limited was originally Plumbworld Ltd back in 1999 and since then it has been bought by the Grafton Group PLC in 2006 and received a brand overhaul in June 2012. The business now employs close to 60 people in its purpose built warehouse and offices whilst turning over in excess of £20 million per year.
BathroomWorld Blog It Up
Company: www.Bathroomworld.co.uk
Contact Name: scottonlinehomeretail
Contact Email: scott@onlinehomeretail.co.uk
Contact Phone: 01386768498
Contact Name: scottonlinehomeretail
Contact Email: scott@onlinehomeretail.co.uk
Contact Phone: 01386768498