Tech Fortune Investment a property company from Hong Kong, have announced that they will be focusing in part on the agricultural property markets of Northeast Brazil.
The company which has a focus within both the Chinese and Brazilian property markets stated that "This move is a natural progression of our already established property division, the agricultural market of Brazil offer fertile ground for the success of our future operations and we have already made headway with gaining agreements with several end users".
Tech Fortune also confirmed that the first wave of agricultural investment will target 2,500 hectares of agricultural property in the region of Bahia. The company plans to focus entirely on low risk fruit crops such as Bananas and has already started to develop the site with the introduction of irrigation lines.
Tech Fortune said "Our team in Brazil is second to none and we are grateful for the co-operation we have with our versatile and experienced management team of local professionals".
Tech fortune is also in the process of raising further funds over the coming months to expand their agricultural portfolio within the region.