"Many people have praised our website and our free guide, ‘Your Employee Satisfaction Survey’ but these are more about what needs to be done than showing you exactly how to do it," explained David Lusty, Quantify’s Principal Consultant.
"We recognise that many people will prefer to run a survey for themselves, rather than involve consultants. So we’ve designed our new Employee Satisfaction Survey Research Kit (ESSRK) just for them."
The ESSRK manual answers all the ‘how do I do that?’ questions which the ‘Your Employee Satisfaction Survey’ free guide leaves unanswered. The Research Kit manual comprises 80 pages and includes step-by-step instruction on:
• Running a focus group to inform the development of the questionnaire
• Writing the questionnaire
• Analysing the results
• Assessing the significance of any differences you find
• Making normative (benchmarking) comparisons
• Full instructions on using all the bundled tools
In addition, the ESSRK contains:
• An ‘Employee Satisfaction Survey Items (Questions) Bank’ including 1,700 separate questions, from which users can choose a subject area and see a number of model items (questions) that they can use to measure how people feel about it.
• A template to use, in MS Word, to design a compact and professional questionnaire.
• A sample, ready-made Employee Satisfaction Survey questionnaire for use or adaptation.
• An Excel template comprising an easy-to-use survey data capture and analysis tool.
• A collection of simple statistical tools to help users answer the questions:
o How big a sample do we need?
o What is a standard error - and why does it matter?
o Is the difference between two subset results statistically significant?
• A normative table providing data on 51 core Employee Satisfaction Survey items
The ESSRK is priced at £500 plus VAT. Full details of Quantify’s ESSRK are available at http://www.quantify.co.uk
Notes for Editors
About Quantify! Ltd
Operating an organisation successfully requires accurate, current and comprehensive management information on all the things that influence the success of the organisation – including how it feels to do business with it or be employed in it.
Quantify discovers this information through employee and customer satisfaction research, web-based or on paper, either in a standard or custom built format. Its services include:
• Employee satisfaction surveys
• Customer satisfaction surveys
• 360° Feedback
• Internal customer satisfaction surveys
• Course assessments
• Leaver survey
Quantify projects are designed and reported to provide clients with useful, accessible management information which can drive improvement, rather than just being ‘nice to know’.
Quantify’s founder and principal consultant, David Lusty MCIPD MMS(Dip) MIMC CMC, worked in local authorities for 11 years, in management services and latterly in personnel management. He joined Avis Rent a Car Ltd in 1978, and stayed 12 years, 10 as head of the UK personnel department. He was Director of Personnel and Management Services when he left Avis in 1990 and founded Quantify.
Governed by the codes of professional conduct of the Institute of Management Consultancy and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Quantify operates to the highest ethical and professional standards.
Further information from:
David Lusty, Quantify! Ltd: 020 8704 1296/ 07956 518070
Bob Little, Bob Little Press & PR: 01727 860405 / 07850 508209
Quantify launches an Employee Satisfaction Survey Research Kit
Company: Quantify! Ltd
Contact Name: Bob Little
Contact Email: bob.little@dial.pipex.com
Contact Phone: 00 44 (0) 1727 860405
Contact Name: Bob Little
Contact Email: bob.little@dial.pipex.com
Contact Phone: 00 44 (0) 1727 860405