This report is the result of SDI's extensive market and company research covering the global missiles and missile defense systems industry. It provides detailed analysis of both historic and forecast global industry values, factors influencing demand, the challenges faced by industry participants, analysis of the leading companies in the industry, and key news.
Introduction and Landscape
Why was the report written?
"The Global Missiles and Missile Defense Systems Market 2013-2023" offers the reader detailed analysis of the global missiles and missile defense systems market over the next ten years, alongside potential market opportunities to enter the industry, using detailed market size forecasts.
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What are the key drivers behind recent market changes?
The US has witnessed budget cuts in the recent past and is likely to continue to do so in the future. Despite this, North America is expected to account for the largest share of the total global expenditure on missiles and missile defense systems with 39% in the forecast period. High demand in the region is primarily driven by the five major missile defense programs: the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) System, the Ground-Based Mid-Course Defense System, the Terminal High-Altitude Air Defense System (THAAD), the Medium Extended Air Defense System and the European Phased Adaptive Approach (PAA) Defense System. Asia and Europe are also expected to account for a significant proportion of the total global missiles and missile defense systems market during the forecast period, with shares of 33% and 16% respectively. This will be largely driven by the efforts of countries such as India, China and Russia to modernize their armed forces. The Middle East, Latin America and Africa account for 9%, 2% and 1% of global missile and missile defense systems expenditure respectively.
What makes this report unique and essential to read?
"The Global Missiles and Missile Defense Systems Market 2013-2023" provides detailed analysis of the current industry size and growth expectations from 2013 to 2023, including highlights of key growth stimulators. It also benchmarks the industry against key global markets and provides a detailed understanding of emerging opportunities in specific areas.
Key Features and Benefits
The report provides detailed analysis of the market for missiles and missile defense systems during 2013-2023, including the factors that influence why countries are investing or cutting defense expenditure. It provides detailed expectations of growth rates and projected total expenditure.
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New Market Study Published: The Global Missiles and Missile Defense Systems Market 2013-2023
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Contact Name: Bill Thompson
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