BMI's Defence & Security report for Q413 examines Turkey's armed forces; its internal and external security challenges; defence industry and defence procurement activity. BMI believes that Turkey will continue to suffer security challenges for some time in the form of the continued Kurdish nationalist issue affecting the country, the wider fallout from the tense security situation in the Middle East at large and the ongoing civil war in neighbouring Syria. Moreover, recent mass protests in Istanbul and other cities around Turkey in May 2013 against a perceived attack on secularism in the country have also indicated a level of discontent with the country's current leadership. Nevertheless, the country's armed forces will continue to play an active role in NATO and meet any future challenges to Turkey's security.
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BMI's Defence & Security Report has several key findings. In terms of domestic security, the Kurdish issue continues to challenge the country's policymakers and its armed forces. While a military response has sought to contain and ultimately end Kurdish militancy, a political solution in the form of negotiations could become increasingly important in helping to stop violence permanently. At the external level, Turkey continues to suffer the fallout from the civil war in Syria. Ankara will have to tread a delicate path to prevent the crisis from spilling over into the wider Middle East region.
In terms of the Turkish armed forces procurement, the government is under pressure to ensure that the military has the most modern materiel. This can be achieved by continuing to utilise Turkey's position as a trusted recipient of advanced defence hardware from the United States. Finally, the Turkish government will need to assist the growth of the domestic defence industry. This can be best achieved by purchasing indigenous materiel when appropriate, and encouraging continuing research and development efforts. Since the publication of BMI's last Turkey Defence & Security report, a number of changes have been made. These include:
* Details regarding Turkey's proposed procurement of new assault boats for its navy.
* Information prototype designs and programme management for Turkey's future combat aircraft currently under development.
* Potential export opportunities for Turkey's Altay main battle tank, most notably prospects which exist in Saudi Arabia.
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Report Published: "Turkey Defence & Security Report Q4 2013"
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