Cigar culture in the UK has changed drastically in the past decade, with the volume of large cigars sold dropping by over 40% since 2007 alone, and declining twice as fast as cigarillos. Cigarillos account for 47% of the UK cigar market in terms of volume sales, and have been referred to by key industry players as cost-effective alternatives to cigars. The demographic of the audience who smoke cigars and/or cigarillos is considered to also be changing, with a growing interest from a younger audience, averaging between 30-50-years-old. Particularly with cigarillos, their less-specialist nature than handmade cigars and vast availability in the majority of large supermarket tobacco kiosks has meant that they have received more exposure to a wider market, alongside cigarettes and RYO tobacco.
Competitive Landscape
The leading player in cigars in the UK in 2014, in terms of volume, is Henri Wintermans Cigars UK Ltd, with its brand Café Créme, accounting for a majority share of 28% in 2014.
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Industry Prospects
During the forecast period of 2014-2019, a negative volume CAGR of 4% is predicted, which is consistent with the decline of cigars and cigarillos in previous years. The factor that is thought to have been behind this trend is the introduction of the UK indoor smoking ban in 2007, with further stricter legislation on the tobacco industry likely to be enforced in the coming years.
Report Overview
Discover the latest market trends and uncover sources of future market growth for the Cigars industry in United Kingdom with research from Euromonitor's team of in-country analysts.
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If you're in the Cigars industry in United Kingdom, our research will save you time and money while empowering you to make informed, profitable decisions.
The Cigars in United Kingdom market research report includes:
* Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends
* Detailed segmentation of international and local products
* Historic volumes and values, company and brand market shares
* Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth
* Robust and transparent market research methodology, conducted in-country
Our market research reports answer questions such as:
* What is the market size of Cigars in United Kingdom?
* What are the major brands in United Kingdom?
* What are the main distribution channels for cigars in United Kingdom and which are performing well?
* What is the proportion of hand-made versus machine manufactured cigars in United Kingdom?
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Cigars in the United Kingdom - New Market Report
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