Nevada-based EasyTel.Net announced today that it has launched a fully revamped web site, built in part around a new free service it is offering to its subscribers, their customers, family and friends. The new service - called "Reach Me Now!" - is a free paging service through which anyone can reach any EasyTel subscriber from any web browser anywhere in the world free.
"We're making paging simpler to use than ever before," said EasyTel president Randal Skala, "even if you don't have a pager."
The web site includes the following description of the "Reach Me Now!" free paging service:
"First, there is NO CHARGE to you or our subscriber for this service. (That's what "free" means.)
Every Genie Subscriber has a Genie Number for their account. This is just like a telephone number, with an area code, prefix and number. Just enter the Genie Number for the subscriber you wish to reach, along with the phone number you want that subscriber to return your call.
When you click the SEND button, Genie will immediately send that subscriber a message with your phone number and the time/date you "paged". That subscriber will get the message in whatever way they decided to use when they set up their Genie account. They may get an actual page on a regular pager. They might get a voice message on their cell phone. Genie might send it to them as an email message. They might even get ALL THREE, and more!! But they WILL get it; even if they have their cell-phone off and are out of pager range - because Genie will hold the message for them until the DO get it."
Another key feature of the new web site design is a set of user stories intended to make it easier for visitors to understand how best to use the wide array of services provided by EasyTel. Called "What's In It For Me?" the stories are broken down into two groups, one for Business users and the other for Consumer users.
But Skala is quick to point out that the distinction is almost an arbitrary one. "The line between business and consumer when it comes to phone communications, Internet, banking and e-commerce is fuzzy at best and growing fuzzier every day. Anyone is very apt to find stories that apply to their own life in either category."
Address: 320 East Charleston Boulevard, Suite 204-221, Las Vegas, Nevada 89104
Telephone: 800-850-5500
Email address: e-mail address: CorporateRelations@EasyTel.Net
About EasyTel.Net
EasyTel integrated its own unified communications platform with InfoUSA's electronic financial services: The Universal Office, EasyTel’s proprietary soft switch, runs on GenieNet, a nation-wide voice-over-IP network, (GenieNet).
EasyTel now provides local coverage in most US markets. Across the nation, in over three thousand cities and communities, spanning 115 area codes across 1343 rate centers, in twenty-seven states and Washington DC, and can be reached by approximately 80% of the population in the United States as a local call. Through the use of a touch-tone telephone or the internet. NO OTHER EQUIPMENT IS NECESSARY.
EasyTel Announces New Free Web Based Paging Service
Company: EasyTel.Net
Contact Name: Adam Moore
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 800-850-5500
Contact Name: Adam Moore
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 800-850-5500