The Reinvention of the Mall: How Shopping Centres are Adapting to Global Buying Habits

From: Fast Market Research, Inc.
Published: Mon Jan 25 2016

Faced with reduced footfall, cautious consumer spending and a new focus on omnichannel retailing, shopping centres have had to become more than just places to shop. To remain relevant, they must offer a unique experience and are repositioning themselves as community hubs, lifestyle centres or vast, glitzy entertainment complexes. This new global report analyses mall development, shopping behaviour and the strategies employed by mall developers and tenants to enable them to survive and grow in...

Strategy Briefings offer unique insight into emerging trends world-wide. Aimed squarely at strategists and planners, they draw on Euromonitor International's vast information resources to give top line insight across markets and within consumer segments. Written by some of our most experienced analysts, they are designed as provocations for senior management to use in their own forum, allowing them to stand back and reflect on the behaviour and motivation driving global markets today and tomorrow

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Data coverage:market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
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* Identify factors driving change now and in the future
* Understand motivation
* Forward-looking outlook
* Briefings and presentation should provoke lively discussion at senior level
* Take a step back from micro trends
* Get up to date estimates and comment
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Company: Fast Market Research, Inc.
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