With more than 1,200 MVNOs operating worldwide, the presence of MVNOs has been limited in Africa, accounting for 1.4% of global MVNO subscribers. Kenya and South Africa are currently the most developed MVNO markets in terms of penetration, with 3.5% and 1.6% of mobile subscriptions being served by MVNOs at end-2015, respectively. The growing population of the region coupled with increasing mobile penetration and data usage, the introduction of mobile financial services and efforts by regulators to establish legal frameworks specific to MVNOs are some of the factors which will provide a boost to the MVNO market in Africa
Full Report Details at
- http://www.fastmr.com/prod/1124663_mvnos_africa_mvnos_gaining.aspx?afid=301
Key Findings
* Niche and retail MVNO business models are the most prevalent in Africa, accounting for 35% and 20%, respectively, of total MVNOs in the region. Ethnic and MNO sub-brand MVNOs account for 15% and 10%, respectively, while the market share of the other business models accounts for 20% in total (or 5% each).
* A rising trend witnessed in Africa is the increasing participation of financial institutions within the MVNO market. For example, Equitel in Kenya and First National Bank (FNB) in South Africa have launched MVNOs in their respective home markets.
* Towards 2020, significant MVNO activity is expected, as new entrants bring new diverse market strategies. For example, MRP Mobile in South Africa is the first clothing retailer to launch an MVNO in Africa; the company offers discounts in its retail stores depending on customers' mobile service usage. Unique MVNO strategies could prove disruptive and boost market competition.
'MVNOs in Africa: MVNOs Gaining Momentum by Capitalizing on Niche Segments' report provides an overview of the MVNO market in Africa and covers a variety of business models adopted by MVNOs to target their local markets.
It consists of:
* Definitions and MVNO business model explanations.
* Overview of global and regional MVNO market evolution, and analysis of common business models adopted by MVNOs in Africa.
* Case studies on key MVNOs in Africa, including an overview of key segment(s) targeted, market strategies and results.
* Key findings based on the study of MVNO business models in the region and a set of recommendations for mobile operators, MVNOs and regulators.
Reasons to Get this Report
* Gain understanding of MVNO markets and their evolution in Africa, to identify market opportunities.* Align market strategies by analyzing the various MVNO business models being used by existing and new MVNOs in Africa.
* Gain understanding of the competitive landscape and successful strategies, to strengthen your positioning in the market versus existing MVNOs.
Companies Mentioned in this Report: Virgin Mobile, k2, Airtel, Cellcom, Tagaza Pesa, Call Home, Econet Wireless, hello mobile, Expresso Telecom, mrpmobile, Zioncell, Blueline, Redbull Mobile, AppChat, meandyou, Equitel, SNS Mobility, Touba Mobile, Finserve
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New Market Report: MVNOs in Africa: MVNOs Gaining Momentum by Capitalizing on Niche Segments
Company: Fast Market Research, Inc.
Contact Name: Bill Thompson
Contact Email: press@fastmr.com
Contact Phone: 1-413-485-7001
Contact Name: Bill Thompson
Contact Email: press@fastmr.com
Contact Phone: 1-413-485-7001