Air care in Morocco posted a 7% current value growth in 2015. Sales in the category are being mainly driven by cultural factors as Moroccans are very hospitable people who tend to entertain guests frequently, offering them the maximum comfort possible when they are in their homes. Moreover, the fact that the municipalities which control many of Morocco’s large cities pay little attention to waste collection results in very unpleasant odours permeating Moroccan homes, which motivates people to buy air care products in order to avoid having to smell these odours.
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Competitive Landscape
Distribution & Marketing Morocco SA maintained its leading position in air care in 2015 with a 26% value share, thanks mainly to its brand Brise, which is present across all air care categories. This brand benefits greatly from being its strong popularity among middle-income and high-income consumers. Moreover, the Brise brand is distributed through all relevant distribution channels. However, the value share of the Brise brand is also inflated by its high unit prices and its volume share is considerably lower.
Industry Prospects
Air care is expected to increase in value at a CAGR of 5% at constant 2015 prices over the forecast period. This is set to be mainly due to the fact that the key manufacturers, distributors and retailers in the category are set to continue promoting these products and offering appealing price discounts and special offers as well as launching new technologies in an effort to attract consumers from all income groups. It is also expected that more private label products will emerge in the category, especially those offered by Carrefour.
Report Overview
Discover the latest market trends and uncover sources of future market growth for the Air Care industry in Morocco with research from Euromonitor's team of in-country analysts.
Find hidden opportunities in the most current research data available, understand competitive threats with our detailed market analysis, and plan your corporate strategy with our expert qualitative analysis and growth projections.
If you're in the Air Care industry in Morocco, our research will save you time and money while empowering you to make informed, profitable decisions.
The Air Care in Morocco market research report includes:
* Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends
* Historic volumes and values, company and brand market shares
* Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth
* Robust and transparent market research methodology, conducted in-country
Our market research reports answer questions such as:
* What is the market size of Air Care in Morocco?
* What are the major brands in Morocco?
* How do plug-in electric air fresheners perform compared to the battery-operated ones?
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Air Care in Morocco - New Study Released
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