The principal t rend in 2016 will be one of conso lidation involving mobile and wireline sectors. Th e biggest deal would be the sale or break-up of TIM Brasil , with leading players Vivo and Oi the likely winners. These companies would ob tain significant market power through such a deal and close regulatory scrutiny sho uld be expected; this may benefi t some of the smallest players, particularly if assets such as spectrum and towers are sold off .
Latest Updates & Industry Developments
23mn mobile users were shed in 2015 as operators disconnected inactive SIM cards. More accurate data will enable operators to plan service and network upgrades more effectively and lower operating costs. 3G/4G migration will be a growth driver through to 2020, by which time there will be 246.6mn subscribers.
Full Report Details at
Wireline and cable TV operators reported subscriber losses in 2015, with mobile substitution the leading cause. Upgrades to fibre and defections to competitive carriers were also to blame, mitigating the overall decline.
The Brazil Telecommunications Report features BMI Research's independent industry forecasts on the future strength of Brazil's ICT market, covering the fixed-line, mobile and internet segments and analyses latest regulatory developments and corporate news, including investment activity, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and partnerships. Leading operators and manufacturers are fully profiled, highlighting their quarterly financial performance, capital expenditure plans and latest contracts.
BMI's Brazil Telecommunications Report provides industry professionals and researchers, operators, equipment suppliers and vendors, corporate and financial services analysts and regulatory bodies with independent forecasts and competitive intelligence on the telecoms industry in Brazil.
Key Benefits
Benchmark BMI's independent telecoms industry forecasts for Brazil to test other views - a key input for successful budgeting and strategic business planning in the Brazilian telecoms market.
Target business opportunities and risks in Brazil's telecoms sector through our reviews of latest industry trends, regulatory changes and major deals, projects and investments in Brazil.
Assess the activities, strategy and market position of your competitors, partners and clients via our Company Profiles (inc. SWOTs, KPIs and latest activity).
BMI Industry View
Summary of BMI’s key industry forecasts and views, covering the ARPU, fixed-line, mobile (including 3G & 4G), internet and broadband markets.
Industry SWOT Analysis
Analysis of the major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within the wireline and wireless sectors and within the broader political, economic and business environment.
BMI Industry Forecast Scenario
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Market Report, "Brazil Telecommunications Report Q2 2016", published
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