Wealth in Poland: HNW Investors; Understanding HNW investors and wealth management strategies.

From: Fast Market Research, Inc.
Published: Thu Jun 30 2016

The Polish HNW population is dominated by entrepreneurs who prefer to stay in control of their finances, even if they lack experience in capital markets. While they do approach wealth managers for investment advice, Polish HNW investors like to sign off most decisions regarding their portfolios. With the 2008-09 financial crisis fresh in mind, they focus on low-risk products which do not offer high margins to banks. Hence the main challenge for Polish competitors is developing a strong, trust-based relationship between advisors and clients. As clients begin to realize the added value of wealth management services, they will be more likely to shift their preferences towards equities or alternative asset classes, as well as pay for additional solutions such as tax or inheritance planning.

Full Report Details at
- http://www.fastmr.com/prod/1188653_wealth_poland_hnw_investors.aspx?afid=301

Key Findings

* Almost 72% of Polish HNW individuals are entrepreneurs, with most running businesses they started themselves. Millionaires who inherited their fortunes are scarce.
* Only 4.3% of HNW investors are expats, originating mostly from neighbouring Germany.
* Although Polish HNW clients accept that they can't manage their portfolios without help, they still prefer advisory mandates and enjoy having the last word on any adjustments.
* Polish HNW investors are risk-averse, allocating 56% of their assets to bonds or deposits.
* Wealth managers expect their clients to show growing demand for alternatives, which are very under-represented in HNW portfolios compared to developed markets.
* Securing a steady cash-flow for retirement is vital for Polish HNW individuals. Looking forward, 95% of wealth managers forecast growing demand for inheritance planning.

Verdict Financial's "Wealth in Poland: HNW Investors" report analyzes the investing preferences and portfolio allocation of Polish HNW investors. The report is based on our proprietary Global Wealth Managers Survey.

Specifically the report:

* Profiles the average Polish HNW investor in terms of the source of their wealth and age as well as analyzing the expat opportunity in Poland.
* Analyzes which wealth management mandates are preferred among Polish HNW investors and how demand will develop looking forward.
* Examines the allocation of Polish HNW investors' portfolios into different asset classes and how allocation is expected to develop in the future.
* Analyzes the product and service demand among Polish HNW investors.

Reasons to Get this Report

* Develop and enhance your client targeting strategies using our data on HNW profiles and source of wealth.
* Give your marketing strategies the edge required and capture new clients, using insights from our data on HNW investors' drivers for seeking investment advice vs self-directing.
* Tailor your investment product portfolio to match the current and future demand for different asset classes among HNW individuals.

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Company: Fast Market Research, Inc.
Contact Name: Bill Thompson
Contact Email: press@fastmr.com
Contact Phone: 1-413-485-7001

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