The global Dairy and Soy Food market in 2015 was valued at US$617.9 billion and is expected grow marginally during 2015-2020. Growth in the global Dairy and Soy Food market is expected to come mainly from the developing countries in Asia-Pacific, MEA and East European regions, while countries in the developed regions like North America and Western Europe are expected to register marginal growth. Globally, United States, China, and India are the top three markets for Dairy and Soy Food products, while China, India and Russia are expected to have the highest growth rate. Western Europe region is the largest market for Dairy and Soy Foods with Germany and France being the largest markets. Asia -Pacific region is the second largest regional market and is forecast to be the fastest growing region during 2015-2020, mainly driven by growth in China and India.
The global Dairy and Soy Food market is highly fragmented with the top 5 brands holding less than 6% market share. Economic and political volatility, rising feed prices and a widening gap between demand and supply are the key challenges faced by the Dairy and Soy Food industry.
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Key Findings
* The global Dairy and Soy Food market is expected to post a value CAGR of 4.6% and per capita value CAGR of 3.8% during 2015. It is set to grow due to rising population growth, per capita consumption, and urbanization.
* In East Europe region, Russia is the largest market for Dairy and Soy products in value terms, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% during 2015-2020.
* Natural or organic Dairy and Soy Food products with cleaner labels are in demand in China.
* Product innovations to cater to the on-the-go snacking is the need of American consumers.
* Global Dairy and Soy Food market is highly fragmented with the top five brands holding less than 6% of the combined market share.
* Cheese - Kraft is one of the leading brands of Cheese in North America; Kraft also holds a significant 43% value share in Hong Kong and 25% share in Singapore.
* Compared to other regions, private label brands have a strong presence in North America and Western Europe.
* Tub containers made using Rigid Plastics are the most commonly used containers in the Dairy and Soy Food market.
Canadean's Global report on the Dairy and Soy Food market provides insights on the key Dairy and Soy Food markets by each region, change in food consumption patterns, country analysis with key trends supported by examples, high growth categories to target, usage of packaging materials, types and closures, category level distribution data and brands market shares.
What else is contained?
* Market data: Overall market value and volume data with growth analysis for 2010-2020
* Regional Overview of Dairy and Soy Food market
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Global Dairy and Soy Food Report; Analysis of opportunities offered by high growth economies
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