New Report Available: Poland Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Report Q3 2016

From: Fast Market Research, Inc.
Published: Tue Jul 19 2016

Poland will remain one of the most attractive pharmaceutical and healthcare markets in the CEE region. Strong economic growth and the introduction of a tax-funded healthcare system will support strong market growth. Opportunities for innovative drugmakers will be significant, with an ageing population and increasing accessibility for advanced treatment. However, the potential for the formation of a Visegrad joint medicine agreement with the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia pose both upside and downside risks to innovative drugmakers should it go ahead, as joint purchasing initiatives tend to bring pricing pressures which would boost sales whilst reducing profit margins.

Headline Expenditure Projections

Pharmaceuticals: PLN33.39bn (USD8.85bn) in 2015 to PLN34.90bn (USD8.58bn) in 2016; +4.5% in local currency terms and -3.1% in US dollar terms. Forecast revised downwards from last quarter.

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Healthcare: PLN114.50bn (USD30.37bn) in 2015 to PLN120.79bn (USD29.71bn) in 2016; +5.5% in local currency terms and -2.2% in US dollar terms. Forecast revised downwards from last quarter.

Risk/Reward Index

Poland has a Risk/Reward Index (RRI) score of 63.1 out of 100 for Q316, slightly lower than last quarter's score of 63.9, making it the second most attractive pharmaceutical market in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), just below the Czech Republic (65.6). Poland has the second highest pharmaceutical market expenditure (score of 14.0 out of 20.0) in CEE, behind Russia. The country also benefits from an independent judiciary, with the legal framework improving in recent years and converging towards EU standards. The judicial system still suffers from inefficiency and corruption, although efforts have been made to tackle the latter at both court and enforcement level.

Latest Updates

In May 2016, President Anfrzej Duda signed a bill to provide Polish pensioners over the age of 75 with free medicines, medical devices and certain nutritional foods.

In May 2016, the nurses at The Children's Memorial Health Instituted in Warsaw, one of Poland's largest specialist paediatric hospitals, went on strike over wages, forcing the hospital to cease admitting new patients and send others under care to nearby facilities.

The Polish Ministry of Health plans to introduce new legislations which would requires a pharmacy to be at least 51% owned by a qualified pharmacist, in an effort to give more market control to pharmacies and improve regulation of the sector.

In April 2016, representatives of the Ministries of Health for the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia met and discussed the potential to collectively purchase medicines for rare diseases under a Visegrad joint medicines procurement agreement.

BMI Economic View

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