China Instant Noodle Production Industry Overview, 2011-2020 - New Market Research Report

From: Fast Market Research, Inc.
Published: Wed Jul 20 2016

The instant noodle refers the noodle with a fixed shape (usually square or circular) by stewing and frying. Added with boiling water, condiments dissolve, the noodle is prepared. In a specified time (generally 3 minutes), the noodle is ready to eat.

Instant noodles can be divided into fried ones and fried-free ones by production methods, which including bag instant noodles, bowl instant noodles, cup instant noodles, etc. by packaging. The popularity of instant noodles has a close relationship with the accelerating pace of modern life. With the development of economy and increasing urbanization level, Chinese people have increasing requirements on convenience food.

In terms of the product structure, the total output volume of instant noodles fell off in 2014 and 2015. However, the annual output volume still maintained more than 9 million tons. On one side, lack of new products led to the slump of consumption market. In addition, middle and high-end instant noodles had a relatively high profit margin. The proportion of the output volume of middle and high-end products kept gradually increasing. On the contrary, that of low-end products which accounted for the major market share was gradually declining. To a certain extent, the total output volume of instant noodles went down.

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Chinese instant noodle market is mainly dominated by Master Kong, Uni-president, Jinmailang, Baixiang and Nongshim. The market share of top 5 enterprises accounts for more than 80%. Under the trend of consumer's diversified requirements, instant noodles need to transform from allaying hunger to convenience and nutrition, which provides necessary conditions for the emergence of high-end products. Small and medium-sized enterprises can obtain development space only by the innovation of products.

Major raw materials of instant noodles include wheat powder and palm oil. In the next few years, it will be less possible for prices of raw materials to rise significantly. Therefore, instant noodle production enterprises are faced with relatively low risks of raw materials.

The output volume of China's instant noodles was the first all over the world for many years. However, in general, China instant noodle production industry is still under development. The instant noodle consumption per capita in China is beyond top 5 all over the world. The urban residents are major consumers. The consumption per capita of rural areas is less than 1/3 of that of urban areas. With the accelerating urbanization and increasing resident income in China, the instant noodle market has a bright prospect.

Through this report, the readers can acquire the following information:

* Definition and Classification of Instant Noodles
* Research Methods, Parameters and Assumptions
* Analysis on Competition Status of China Instant Noodle Production Industry

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