Allied Academies invites participants from all over the world to attend the "21st World Congress and Exhibition on Vaccines, Vaccination & Immunization scheduled during November 16-17, 2017 at Vienna, Austria.
Vaccines world-2017 Conference highlights the theme "Advanced Technologies and Featured Challenges in Vaccine Research and Development". Vaccines world -2017 is an event designed in a way to provide an exclusive platform for new researchers, scholars, physicians, Immunologists, students and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the concerned field. The two days of educational program will include keynote presentations, session speakers, and poster presenters on the latest in innovative techniques as well as papers in the areas of Vaccines, Immunology, Pathology, Advanced Delivery technologies in vaccines and Immunotherapy of deadly diseases like cancer.
Events in Vaccines world 2017:
• Speaker slots for keynote talk and plenary talk for doctorates, professors, post-doctoral fellows and young research forum.
• Workshops/Symposium platform for Doctorates and Professors.
• Exhibitor booths for healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industries.
• Poster presentation and young research forum for students.
Conference Highlights:
Novel Vaccines - Research and Development
Vaccination for Viral Diseases
Human Papillomavirus Infection
Cancer Immunotherapy
Vaccination for bacterial Diseases
Infants/Children Vaccines
Human Vaccines - Infectious & Non Infectious Diseases
Vaccination for Pregnancy
Vaccination for older/aged people
Veterinary Vaccines
Plant-Based Vaccines
Clinical Trials in Animals Models
Side Effects of Vaccines
Vaccine Design-Immunoinformatics
Advances in Vaccine Delivery Technologies
Vaccination for Vector-borne Diseases
Vaccines for Neurodegenerative Disorders
To register online for the conference kindly go through the following link:
Stella Antony
Tel No: +1-800-858-2189
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