Lyndon Wissart, has been a professional chef for 30 years in all types of establishments tasting, eating all types of foods but at the top of his list is desserts, this was his weakness.
In October 2015 he was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. He was not shocked just surprised because he knew the symptoms.
In October 2015 his HbA1c level was 92 mmol/mol
His blood glucose level was 15.9
In November 25 days later it was down to 77 mmol/mol
In December 28 days later it was down to 60 mmol/mol
On the 1st February 2016 his HbA1c Level went down to an Amazing 41 mmol/mol
On the 29th of February his HbA1c was an incredible 39 mmol/mol
On the 8th June his HbA1c level was 38 mmol/mol
On the 19th of October 2016 his HbA1c level was an amazing 36mmol/mol
His book "The Inspired Diabetic" will be launch on January 24th at 6pm, at the Institute of Directors at 119 Pall Mall. It is available from all good bookshops.
Lyndon Wissart will be on ITV Monday 23rd, on the evening news
His website is
He can be contacted on 07916 119717
Publisher: Filament Publishing Ltd Chris Day, 07802 211587
*PRESS RELEASE* NEW BOOK LAUNCH: ‘The Inspired Diabetic’ by Lyndon Wissart – launched on January 24
Company: Filament Publishing Ltd
Contact Name: Chris Day
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Contact Phone: 07802 211587
Contact Name: Chris Day
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Contact Phone: 07802 211587