Exploring Emerging Markets in Healthcare
Global Healthcare Conference Series
Conference Series has been instrumental in conducting international healthcare meetings for nine editions, and very excited to expand Europe, America and Asia Pacific continents. Previous meetings were held in major cities like San Francisco, Valencia, London, Australia, and Dubai with success the meetings again scheduled in three continents. 10th Health Information Technology Summit to be held during July 17-18, 2017 at Lisbon, Portugal.
The total amount of healthcare expenditure throughout the globe is $6.458 Trillion. The total amount in which Europe is spending on Health Care is $1.897 Trillion. The total amount in which Portugal is spending on healthcare is $218 Billion. The total number of healthcare technology companies in Europe is 11,000. The total number of health care companies in Portugal is 725 and their sale is 7400 Euro Millions in 2008. The overall percentage of Health expenditure of Portugal is 4% which contributes 12% of Europe. The total population of Portugal is 46, 071,000. The pharma revenue of Portugal in 2011 is $28 Billion. The pharma revenue of Portugal by 2020 is $19.2 Billion. By 2020 Pharma Revenue will be lower in Portugal.
This event health and technology will focus on variety of healthcare topics, including, but not limited to Health Information Technology, Primary Healthcare, Healthcare and Wellness, Healthcare Industry, Healthcare Technology Management, Healthcare Services, Advanced Healthcare Technology, Health Technology Assessment, Public health, Patient Care & Safety through invited plenary lectures, symposia, workshops, invited sessions and oral and poster sessions of unsolicited contributions.
We believe Healthcare is poised for disruption and the global demand for emerging healthcare technologies will grow in terms of wearable diagnostic devices, Telehealth consulting, and others. It is observed enormous growth in the areas of healthcare and technologies from last one decade and remains interested in Low and Middle Income Countries.
About us: ConferenceSeries.com hosts 3000+ Global Events that includes over 1000+ International Conferences, 1000+ Symposiums and 1000+Workshops and preconference workshops on diverse Medical, Pharmaceutical, Clinical, Engineering, Science, Technology, Business and Management fields. Over 25 Million visitors flock to our websites to observe the attest developments in these fields.
10th World Congress on Healthcare & Technologies
Company: OMICS International
Contact Name: AngelinaWatts
Contact Email: healthcaresummit@conferenceseries.net
Contact Phone: +1-702-508-5200
Contact Name: AngelinaWatts
Contact Email: healthcaresummit@conferenceseries.net
Contact Phone: +1-702-508-5200