How to Avoid a Holiday DUI

From: Law Offices Of David Paul White & Associates
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017

The holidays have arrived in Salt Lake City. Throughout Utah, people are celebrating at office Christmas parties while also gathering with family and friends. It is also the busiest time of the of the year for DUI arrests. The easiest way to avoid a DUI this holiday season is to simply abstain from drinking. But let’s face it. That is much easier said than done, especially during this time of the year. In fact, the numbers speak for themselves. The amount of alcohol-related fatalities goes up 34 percent between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve. Adding to the dangers is the higher numbers of people on the roadways drinking and driving. Here are some tips to help make your holiday safer.

Avoid Alcohol
It sounds simple. But it really is the most effective way to avoid a DUI. Many Salt Lake City residents make the mistake of thinking a DIY breathalyzer can help them drink safely. Although these devices are designed to measure a person’s alcohol level, their accuracy is not always precise. Even if the breathalyzer indicates you are safe to drive, you may be putting yourself and others in harm’s way. Keep in mind, you do not have to be legally drunk to get arrested. A police officer can make an arrest if they believe the motorist is simply affected by alcohol.

Drink Smart
If you decide to drink during the holidays, be smart about your consumption. For example, never drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Make sure you eat a good meal before consuming any alcoholic beverage. Food delays the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, reducing the chances of intoxication.

Contact an Uber or Taxi
If you have consumed too much alcohol, make sure you get a ride home from a sober driver. But if you do not have a friend that is sober, simply contact an Uber or taxi. It may cost you a few bucks. But it definitely beats a DUI arrest in Salt Lake City and the possibility of losing your license or spending time behind bars.

Stay with a Friend or Book a Hotel
It is always smart to plan ahead. Sometimes parties can be unpredictable. You never know how the night is going to progress. But you can put yourself in the best position to avoid an embarrassing arrest or placing someone else in danger. By booking a hotel or staying with a friend, you can avoid the pitfalls of having to drive to a location and risking a Salt Lake City DUI.

Season’s Greetings from the Salt Lake City Law Offices of David Paul White
The staff at the Law Offices of David Paul White & Associates wishes everyone safe and happy holiday season. But if you are facing DUI charges, it is important to seek representation from an experienced legal professional committed to protecting your rights. For more than 25 years, he has represented and provided effective legal solutions for men and women charged with DUI. To learn more on how a DUI Attorney Salt Lake City can help, call today to schedule a consultation.
Company: Law Offices Of David Paul White & Associates
Contact Name: David Paul White
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Contact Phone: 801-266-4114

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