Taking into consideration the lack of quality services provided in IT as compared to money they were charging, personal data sharing and buying, identity thefts etc. becoming prevalent in society more and more, no internet user was feeling secure anymore throughout the world and no company was willing to invest in a long-term commitment with one company for services.
All of the above problems were recognized by Avi Shaked, the visionary behind largest online gambling casino 888.com and one another co-founder. Upon observing these issues looming all over the world, the idea to provide quality services and to provide secure communication without any data sharing came into Avi’s mind. For the development of the idea further Avi needed a team of veterans to execute it to reality. This was made possible with the help of an extraordinarily talented trio of these three men: Yoram Kugel, Gaurav Passi and Pankaj Arora.
Yoram Kugel. is a successful business entity with the likes of ‘Dizzi Globile Pty Ltd’ (Australian Company) under his belt. Already a veteran businessman with years of experience, he is the brains behind the business skeleton creation and development process of YapApp. He foresees ‘YapApp India Pvt Ltd’as a revolutionary change which the world awaits.
Company President Gaurav Passi is a man of high principles and skills. It is only because of his top-quality work methodologies, work ethics, optimism and charismatic personality that the company has the best professionals working with it to structure the idea of Avi for realtime execution with steps of what will be done and how it will be done.
An idea in itself is nothing till its executed as it was originally imagined which is why CEO Pankaj Arora is the man behind the wheel. Having instrumental knowledge about idea execution and handling human resources to optimum efficiency comes natural to him.
The result of this trio coming together was YapApp India Pvt Ltd first in 2015 to create and solve the problem widespread for providing top quality business process and IT services. Consisting of a wide range of services tailor-made to your needs at every stage of your project or business offering Web designing, Mobile App development, Digital marketing, content marketing etc. services.
With extraordinary response and growth happening for YapApp, it seems nothing is impossible for this trio.
Company: YapApp India Pvt. Ltd.
Contact Name: Pankaj Arora
Contact Email: info@yapapp.net
Contact Phone: +91172 505 3100
Contact Name: Pankaj Arora
Contact Email: info@yapapp.net
Contact Phone: +91172 505 3100