Fitness Motivation - Kaa Yaa

From: Kaa Yaa
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017

Most of the people find it hard to stay motivated and often miss their daily workout routine. Well we have some tips which keeps you to stay motivated and helps you to achieve your SMART fitness goals. One common misconception among the people is that you have to do workout daily. Well it’s good if you are doing workout or exercise on a daily basis but even if you are busy we would suggest you to do at least 3 times a week.

Stay active throughout your day, eat healthy, in case your work place is nearby then go by walk or bicycle. Avoid escalators and elevators, always take stairs. Swimming is a very good exercise, so whenever get some time to relax go out for swimming. Play out door games like football or basketball or any other game you like. Some basic exercise like plank could be really useful to stay healthy.

First of all one should have a smart fitness goal. You should be clear whether you want to have a trim toned body or to have an athletic build. To attain basic fitness one can start doing some of the basic exercise at home. Prepare a chart, set a target and time frame. Jot down some of the exercise that you do in your workout like cardio, push ups, squats, bench press etc. and record the count on daily basis. Monitor your Cardio, Muscle Conditioning, flexibility and how much you have improved in 1 week of time.

About Company: We are a bunch of fitness freak who understand that each one of us has different needs when it comes to fitness. We are developing a fitness app, which creates workout while considering your individual needs. Contact Kaa-Yaa at or call on 925 264 9121.
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