Las Vegas, NV: Mayadah is one of the world’s leading "Sensitives" with expertise in many realms. She is an active liaison between the seen and unseen worlds, who can assist you in your greatest challenges. Her practices are of the most advanced healing protocols containing the newest information for this time frame.
Mayadah’s practices are orchestrated in the highest vibrations of Love, Light and Sound. The work is initiated by asking Creator "What are the most important things for me to see for your soul’s greatest advancement." Those issues are addressed immediately. After those processes are complete, it is then possible to touch on specific issues of concern that may not have been addressed. Layers are common; however, it is not unusual for results to be instantaneous.
Mayadah is born of African American and Native American decent, native ancestors on her mother’s side are of the Blackfoot Nation, while her father’s side is of the Cherokee Nation. Mayadah’s psychic and intuitive abilities are an inherited characteristic of her lineage. Mayadah’s position as stated by ancestors, is not one that can be chosen or apprenticed but is one that must be born into. Through the years, she has grown into this position and now understands the many gifts she inherently possesses. New abilities are received regularly and applied accordingly. There is no end to mastery; it just continues to get more refined.
"It is my mission to teach and empower all those who are ready and willing to become proactive in their own growth and spirituality. I fully intend to raise the awareness and vibration of the individual to their authentic self." – Mayadah Moussa
About Mayadah: Mayadah Moussa is a Psychic Surgeon whose inherited abilities have enabled her to help any and all who seek answers. She prefers the term "Psychic Surgeon" because it is not likened to older or traditional practices, it also refers to the level of skill that is involved in removing or working with the issue from its initial space of origin as well as what hold it in place. Mayadah’s practice is located in Las Vegas, NV but often travels to near-by states.
Meet the Psychic Surgeon Mayadah Moussa
Company: Turner Media
Contact Name: Corey Turner
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Contact Phone: 7029451710
Contact Name: Corey Turner
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Contact Phone: 7029451710