Channeling (in case you don't know) is when a psychic person allows another entity or consciousness to communicate through them while in a trance. The idea being that these entities will be benevolent and spiritually advanced and the information they impart on life and the afterlife will be helpful to our own spiritual evolution.
It's not always the case though. In fact I am starting to believe it's rarely the case.
Lower fourth dimension is heaving with dark ones just itching to create mayhem and suffering in order to feed of the negative human energy that they need to survive. They usually manage to attach themselves to the energetic field of people with some kind of emotional wounding, coming in at the moment of psychological, sexual or physical trauma. Some remain attached to souls through multiple incarnations. Others pass from parents to their children, while yet others rely on alcohol, drugs, psychotropic pharmaceuticals or sexual deviancy to let them in.
Just like us, some of these astral creatures are not very clever, but others are extremely intelligent and cunning. When using Spirit Release Therapy with my clients over the years I have come across dark ones look like the classic demons with red eyes or like Reptilians or Insectoids as well as black hooded beings, bear or wolf like creatures, witches, warlocks and humanoids with black, white or red eyes. Some appear as just blobs of black or red energy.
Satanists use rituals where children are raped and often murdered and their blood consumed in order to attract powerful entities to possess them. These entities give wealth power and protection in exchange for the intense fear and sexual energy they are given.
Channelers on the other hand are looking to connect with angelic beings and inter-dimensional beings of light in order to learn and evolve. In order to do that a channel has to be opened. Usually this is not a problem as most psychics have a well developed sense of discernment between the light and the dark. Herein lies the trickery, and we see this same issue reflected in our 3D world. There is not just Light and Dark, there is Light, Dark and False Light. Dark and False light, like the choice in political parties, giving us the illusion of choosing between good and evil when of course both are evil
When it comes to Spirits it's the difference between Lucifer (Enki) and Satan (Marduk). Satan, well he's obvious. Lucifer, not so much. He's the shining one, the light of the morning, the fallen angel who used to be second to God(ess). He and his cohorts are extremely cunning and unbelievably seductive, giving away 80% truth in which to hide their dangerous lies, and are often I believe the inspiration for many spiritual leaders in the New Age movement.
Now imagine you were one of these negative entities. You need an opening or an invitation. What easier picking than a sweet, innocent psychic looking to open him or herself up to being a channel? You'd start off with some clever prophetic stuff, dazzle a bit with some deep esoteric lore and then just like the psychopaths they are, you'd start to mess with the victim's head. If you were lucky and the channeler had a following, you could also mess with them too. Once in, you could 'feed' at will, also sending energy up the hierarchical pyramid as required, .... so why would you leave?
The reason I'm writing this article is recently, in my work as a hypnotherapist specializing in Spirit Release, I helped a very bright but troubled elderly man deliver 3 demonic entities that had moved in and were ruining his life. He had been channeling for 20 years but last year these three showed up and never left. One had to be removed to the Central Sun for disintegration but the other two, once they realized that they too were just slaves for their Master, chose to go the Light.
These three had been torturing this man with pain in his body and endless manipulating chatter in his head. They had humiliated him by having him taken to a psychiatric hospital for a while, and the second time we spoke they had had him pinned to a chair unable to move for seven hours. I asked one of the more cooperative entities what it was in my client that had allowed them in. He laughed and said "he was wide open, he talks to everyone, we all came in together".
Doing this work brought up memories of a few yeas ago when I heard that a dear friend, a brilliant healer, had 'lost her mind' and thrown herself under a train. She was extremely sane and knowledgeable but had started channeling a few years before. I was incredibly sad and wished I had known about it before her death - perhaps I could have helped her. All suicides are caused by interference from dark forces and I did what I could to release her on the other side. It was a horrible waste of a good life and a terrible burden for her family to bear.
If you are channeling you need to be very very careful. Be aware of the Beings of False Light. They start by energizing you, they flatter the ego, they share information from past, present and future, they can give you power, but they are predators of the most sophisticated kind and the end game is not just your life but your soul.
Helen Basinger
The Danger of Channeling
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Contact Name: Helen Basinger
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Contact Phone: +34 633 195 943