PULSUS Group Inc is a Medical publisher that adheres to stringent peer-review procedure with a view to set an example in promoting standard medical research with integrity. PULSUS Group takes pride in getting the endorsements of prestigious associations and societies like Canadian medical societies. As an ardent supporter of medical publishing, PULSUS Group closely associates with the Canadian and other international medical research associations. It publishes a wide range of medical journals that focus on medical specialties like cardiology, Integrative Medicine, Surgery and Reproductive Medicine. PULSUS group is closely associated with globally renowned academic and research societies like Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons, Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Groupe pour l'Avancementde la Microchirurgie Canada and Canadian Society for Surgery of the Hand.
PULSUS Group Welcomes all the participants across the world to attend ‘World Congress on Diabetes and Endocrinology’ to be control throughout August 22-23, 2018 Rome, Italy which has prompt keynote displays, Oral talks, Poster displays and Exhibitions. WDEC 2018 strives to bring renowned scientists, Physicians, Surgeons, Professors, Instrumentalists, Medical and Industrial professions, young researchers, students and Business delegates under a single roof providing an opportunity to share the knowledge and scientific progress in the field of Diabetes and Endocrinology shaping the future research.
World Congress on Diabetes and Endocrinology
Company: pulsus conferences
Contact Name: johnkyle
Contact Email: endocrinology@cmesocietyconferences.com
Contact Phone: 14084292646
Contact Name: johnkyle
Contact Email: endocrinology@cmesocietyconferences.com
Contact Phone: 14084292646