Noble Missions, a tech social enterprise launches iTakeActions.Org, a web platform that enables citizens to take civic actions towards the advancement of public education in Nigeria. The platform serves as a feedback mechanism between citizens and the government, whereby citizens can report infrastructural condition of schools in their communities to the government. Citizens can also use the platform to draw attention to critical educational issues, and demand for improvement in the education sector by sharing tweets, signing petitions and sending emails among other civic actions. Citizens are rewarded as they take these civic actions with the platform’s digital currency called ActBit Coins which can be used to shop for gift items, events’ tickets and sales discount on the platform. The platform also features educative and informative articles about education for all stakeholders.
With over 65 million citizens who cannot read nor write despite finishing primary school, Nigeria's educational system has failed to meet the fundamental international standards. According to UNESCO, Nigeria ranked 103 out of 113 in the Education for All Development Index (EDI) rating of 2015, scoring 0.714. Studies show that dilapidated learning environments, insufficient classrooms and learning resources, are among the main factors shaping the system’s decay. With its key features, the platform will allow users to send alerts to governmental officials depicting the conditions of public schools nationwide to enable the government plan and allocate resources more efficiently.
"I believe when citizens are provided with the right tools and opportunities to engage the government and contribute to the advancement of education, the educational system in Nigeria would greatly improve," says Noble Missions’ founder - Charles Omofomwan.