The number of couples who are facing infertility issues is on the rise in the country. There are many factors that can lead to infertility like PCOS, endometriosis, advanced maternal age and male-factor-issues. But TheBerkley Center for Reproductive Wellness has a solution for these challenges. This complementary medicine clinic in the United States provides acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments. They have excellent relationships with New York City’s most prominent reproductive endocrinologists.
Many couples have benefitted from the excellent treatment provided by this state of the art wellness center. Take the example of G. Gordon who is absolutely euphoric with the excellent results that shereceived. She states that "I am convinced that seeing Mike and taking the herbs he prescribed is the reason why I got pregnant".
Dr. David, who is an MD, inFlorida has sent his patients to this wellness center. Hesays that "Mike is very well versed in reproductive endocrinology and infertility". Of course, Mike gets frequent referrals from many reproductive endocrinologists throughout New York City as well.
TheBerkley Center for Reproductive Wellness definitely has a competitive edge over other similar wellness centers. They have been helping couples to conceivefor past 21 years. They are the first to specialize in infertility treatment in the U.S. Mike Berkley, L.Ac.,FABORM is certified by the
About the company:
The Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness has been providing cutting-edge services to patients suffering with infertility for two decades.They are the first complementary medicine clinic in the U.S. to specialize in fertility issues. All practitioners are licensed and board certified in acupuncture and herbal medicine.
Couples whom are facing fertility challenges must visit this complementary medicine reproductive wellness clinic at their earliest.