Mumbai: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for a nationwide ‘Fit India’ Movement’ will revolutionize the country and take us towards a healthier future, said Mr. Shaikh Rafi Founder of Fitara, a leading online Health & Nutrition consultation firm.
Commenting on the need to stay fit Mr. Shaikh said, "It is very important to keep fit and stay healthy. A lot of people fail to acknowledge the numerous benefits of nutrition & exercise routines and only begin to do so when health complications arise. Regular exercises & correct nutrition will help you burn excess body fat and keep your body lean. There are many health complications associated with having too much body fat. Heart diseases that are often very fatal are mostly as a result of excess body fat. The unwanted fats can clog arteries and overwork the heart which can then result in a lot of health complications. Stroke and heart attack are just some of the health risks that arise as a result of excess body fat. He also said correct Nutrition Acts like medicine but medicine never acts like medicine if not taken with correct nutrition.
As Prime Minister said during its ‘Fit India’ campaign launch that Fitness has always been an integral part of our culture. But there is indifference towards fitness issues now. A few decades back, a normal person would walk 8-10km in a day, do cycling or run.
"But with technology, physical activity has reduced. We walk less now and the same technology tells us that we are not walking enough," he added.
The Pune based firm, Fitara believes that regular exercise routines & correct nutrition will build body muscles and improve your physical strength. A lot of people fail to acknowledge the numerous benefits of exercise routines and only begin to do so when health complications arise. Fitness routines will help you gain much-needed strength and agility. Besides, exercising keeps you sharp and alert at all times. It’s very ideal for developing your mental strength and increasing your level of awareness. Keeping your body active also improves the functioning of the brain. There is a reason why most athletes are usually happy. Exercising improves the clarity of mind and through the release of dopamine, it changes your mood for the better. Maybe the reason why you stay grumpy all the time is due to lack of exercise. Run around the blocks each morning, jog or lift weights and see how much good it does to your mind.