Anil Uzun is a chef and a professional restaurant manager who aims to inform people about eating healthy. He has been working as a chef and blogging about his experience and sharing food recipes that are both delicious and healthy. He also has a company to give consultancy to restaurants on business administration and menu creation. He has been traveling a lot to experience different cultures and their cuisine. His primary objective is to introduce health to Turkish cuisine. He traveled around the world and tried many recipes, studied many cuisines, and tried to find ways to infuse many food cultures together.
Anil Uzun advocates that a delicious meal can also be healthy. He gives seminars on healthy food to share his knowledge and experience with others. Anil Uzun works as a consultant to many restaurants; my primary call to the restaurant owners is to introduce health to their menu. he says. You can follow me on my blog and Youtube channel. he adds.
When the pandemic broke out, he knew that it was something about what the people eat. I knew it was about meat, he says. The world should switch over to a different diet. The eating alternatives and practices shall be updated, or we will face another pandemic, then another, he adds.
Plant-based eating is the key to health; it is also good for the environment. Doctors associate multiple health conditions with meat-eating. The world is adopting meat alternatives, but it is slow. As long as there are wet markets, another outbreak is waiting for us. he says.
The world population needs meat, so industrial animal production must be so long as people eat meat every day. The pandemic has made people more conscious about their lifestyle. People changed their eating habits and started to exercise. They are more thoughtful about purchasing decisions, prefer sustainable alternatives, he says.
Anil Uzun believes vegan and healthy food delivery brands will emerge. Some vegan restaurants do the delivery, but they were small and medium-sized. With the pandemic, we will see a chain of vegan and healthy restaurants around the world. The street food will die, he thinks. With COVID, hygiene became a top priority, and people will not prefer eating on foot, he adds.
He also thinks meat alternatives will diversify. The industry has seen the potential, and people love eating meat alternatives instead of a real living being. And the fear of another outbreak keeps people from eating meat that may come from unsanitary places such as wet markets, he continues.
Anil Uzun finishes his words by stating that the restaurants will not work fully until the end of 2021, and for this reason, private catering will be trendy. People will not go to crowded restaurants; instead, they will get catering services for groups that start from 8 people and 20 people. The people will get the gourmet experience in the comfort of their homes or more safe places such as a friend's home or a backyard.
Anil Uzun Talks About Food - What Will Food Trends Be In The New Normal?
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