Since its launch in 1988, the World Health Organisation's Global Polio Eradication Initiative has reduced worldwide polio incidence by 99%. While this is great news, there are 12-20 million people worldwide living with the sequelae of polio: Post-polio syndrome (PPS) is characterised by a new deterioration in function after a long period of stability; usually in excess of 15 years. The key symptom is muscle fatigue and weakness, but generalised fatigue, pain and respiratory compromise can also occur. In the UK, there are around 120,000 people living with the effects of polio. To improve the detection of PPS and ensure good quality follow-up, a '5 minute to change your practice' screencast can introduce general practitioners to the topic and increase awareness. The Royal College of General Practitioner's award- winning online learning environment (OLE) has the reach to deliver continuous professional development to all members of the primary care team.
This is an amazing project that will make an incredible difference to the work that we are doing to raise the awareness of Post-Polio Syndrome to every medical professional in the world today.
There is a downside to this and this is the cost of the production and distribution which is £5,270. We have so far raised an excellent £1,220 and we are asking everyone to contribute as much or as little that you can afford.
Please go to today.
Thank you on behalf of the 20 million Polio Survivors around the world today.
'Raising the awareness of Post-Polio Syndrome'
Company: Polio Warriors
Contact Name: Peter Thwaites
Contact Email:
Contact Name: Peter Thwaites
Contact Email: