The anthropomorphic Volkswagen Beetle is not alone though, as the notorious Robin Reliant featured in BBC’s sitcom Only Fools and Horses will be keeping Herbie company all weekend!
Another much loved motor vehicle, Chitty, the impressive life size model from the timeless movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, is a permanent exhibit of The Toys of Yesteryear Exhibition, an ongoing attraction at Peak Village. So children of all ages will get to see three ‘famous’ cars all in one place this Bank Holiday weekend.
Terrence Morgan of Morgan and Company, one of Peak Village’s new managing agents, said: "These iconic old cars are great to look at and instantly remind you of the relevant films or TV shows. Herbie and the Trotters’ Trading Robin Reliant will be on display all weekend and these exhibits are free of charge to admire and photograph if you want a lasting memory that you met Herbie in the flesh!"
With many rare and unique exhibits of interest to the whole family at The Toys of Yesteryear Exhibition, you can take a trip down memory lane with the children and rediscover your own childhood in Number 20 Toytown – a traditional toyshop, preserved just as it was in the 1950s. Thousands of toys are on display dating from the last century with dolls, teddies, cars, trucks, games, comics and annuals. Toys of Yesteryear is open Monday- Saturday 10.00am-5.30pm and 10.30am -5.00pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays.
Also on the courtyard at Peak Village this weekend you can browse the arts and crafts marquee with a range of crafts on display and for sale, including wood turning; animal portraits; jewellery; heart themed products; hand painted soft furnishings; pyrography; chess sets; lead soldiers and encaustic art. Admission to the arts and crafts fayre is free and will be open daily Saturday – Monday.
These events are the first in series of planned attractions at Peak Village in the run up to the Christmas season. Peak Village is home to nearly 20 retailers including national names like Cotton Traders, Leading Labels, Ponden Mill, The Cook Shop and Mountain Warehouse. The outlet shopping centre attracts 750,000 visitors a year and offers visitors the opportunity to combine shopping with other local attractions.
Peak Village is located in Rowsley on the Chatsworth Road between Bakewell and Matlock. Admission prices to the Toys of Yesteryear Exhibition:
Adults £3.00, Seniors £2.50, Juniors £2.00, children under 4 free admission, Family tickets available (2 adults & 2 children) £8.50.
Photograph and caption
Meet Herbie this weekend at Peak Village!
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Ref: PSV002 – Bank Holiday 2008