Virtual Tales, an e-publisher of serialized novels and novellas spanning a variety of fiction genres and styles, announced that it has hired its first round of editors for its new serialized fiction website, which is scheduled to launch later this spring. The editors selected to fill these positions have extensive individual and collective editorial experience covering a wide range of genre fiction.
"Filling these positions was mission-critical to launching our website," said Dave A. Law, Chairman of Virtual Tales. "Having highly qualified editors with a broad range of fiction-editing skills is essential to ensuring that all of our offerings – whether from established or previously unpublished authors -- are as polished and professional as possible."
The first group of editors chosen to work for Virtual Tales includes:
P. June Diehl -- an editor, author, writing coach and teacher with more than 20 years of experience. June currently offers her skills to ePress Online, newsletters, writing groups and individual authors, and will edit serialized works primarily in the Action/Adventure and Horror genres.
Rose Fox -- a longtime journalist whose reviews and commentary on fantasy, science fiction, and horror works have appeared in Publishers Weekly, Strange Horizons, and BookFetish. Rose will edit primarily Fantasy and Science Fiction serials for Virtual Tales.
Leticia Goméz -- a professional editor and proofreader who has worked for Random House Publishing, F+W Publications, The Writer’s Literary Group and American Book Publishing. Leticia will be primarily responsible for editing Mystery and Romance serials.
Kimberly Gonzalez – a proofreader of science fiction and fantasy novels for Baen Books, and currently serves on the Editorial Board at Flash Me magazine. Kim will principally be editing the Fantasy and Science Fiction genres for Virtual Tales.
Chrissie Henderson – runs her own business as a freelance editor and writing coach in Queensland, Australia. Chrissie is a dedicated editor who firmly believes in the future of e-books and will be chiefly responsible for serials in the Action/Adventure and General Fiction genres.
Andrei V. Lefebvre – with more than 20 years experience editing fiction and news, he has also pursued criminals as a street cop and worked as a newspaper reporter. His writing credits include bylines in The Orange County Register, Los Angeles Daily News and other newspapers. Andrei will be working mainly with the Mystery, Crime and Horror genres.
Virtual Tales is a privately held partnership founded in December 2005 to deliver serialized fiction via e-mail to its subscribers. It is scheduled to begin offering its bi-weekly genre serials for sale to the public in the spring of 2006 and is currently soliciting serial stories for publication. Complete details can be found at
Virtual Tales Selects Editors for its Serialized Novels
Company: Virtual Tales
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Contact Phone: 360-901-9725
Contact Name: Virtual Tales
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Contact Phone: 360-901-9725