Killeen Welcomes Funding Boost For Older People In Kilrush

From: Dunphy Public Relations
Published: Fri Oct 24 2008

The community-based group has been awarded the funding by the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, under the scheme of Community Supports for Older People.

"I am very aware of the hardships that older people can face on a daily basis. Therefore, I welcome any initiatives that seek to improve confidence, security and comfort levels among older people in our society allowing them to continue to live independently", explained Minister Killeen.

The Junior Agriculture Minister added, "The security devices that older people may now benefit from under this scheme include smoke alarms, the once-off cost of installing socially monitored alarm systems, security lighting, and window locks, door locks and door chains designed to strengthen points of entry to dwellings."

"Numerous other local groups have benefited from funding under the under the scheme of Community Supports for Older People, including Cratloe Community Council, Ballynacally Community Alert, Caring for Carers West Clare Group, Meelick Parteen Coonagh Senior Citizens, Kilmaley District Day Care Centre and Shannonside Carers Group", concluded Minister Killeen.

A further 49 organisations throughout the country were allocated grants today bringing the total number of groups to benefit to date this year to 383 and the total amount of funding provided in 2008 to EUR2.9 million under the Scheme of Community Support for Older People.

The scheme for Community Supports of Older People is administered by local community and voluntary groups and funded by the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. Applications can be made throughout the year, thereby allowing applicants to benefit from the wide range of security aids available as the need arises.


Notes to Editor:
- For further information please contact Mark Dunphy of Dunphy Public Relations on 00353868534900 or
- High-resolution images of Minister Killeen are available

Mark Dunphy
Dunphy Public Relations
Company: Dunphy Public Relations
Contact Name: Dunphy Public Relations
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Contact Phone: 00353868534900

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