Alasdair Darroch, Managing Director, says, "Customers of all sizes in the corporate, special and higher education sectors choose Liberty3 for its easily-customisable reports, screens, fields and formats. Organisations in areas such as health, legal, higher education, and government find Softlink Liberty3’s full text searching and multisite capabilities a real help in running an efficient library or learning centre. And best of all Softlink Liberty3 is a cost efficient solution with excellent support and services – the quality of our implementation and help team really are outstanding."
Fade provides library services to the Liverpool Primary Care Trusts, Cheshire and Merseyside Strategic Health Authority, Cheshire and Merseyside Teaching PCT Collaborative and acts as a back up service to those libraries serving primary care throughout Cheshire and Merseyside. It also provides the North West Grey Literature Service. The service is swapping from CAIRS library software.
Kieran Lamb, Library Services Manager at Fade, explains, "We have around 15,000 items in stock but ours isn’t a service where users generally visit in person. We aim instead to deliver the library to primary care staff using electronic delivery or the postal network. With Softlink Liberty3, district nurses, GPs and health visitors will be able to use any web-enabled computer to search our computer system at any time, day or night. And it’s also useful for our staff, I myself split my time between different offices and it’s crucial to be able to access the library system easily from wherever I’m based. The grey literature service involves much electronic information and hard to find items, Softlink Liberty3 will help us make resources available to users more quickly than currently.
"Having investigated the available library systems, we chose Softlink Liberty3 as being far and away the next generation software; it’s helping us to prepare our service for where we plan to be in two or three years’ time. We don’t regularly make investments in library software so wanted a system that would stand us in good stead for the future. We are even planning to use Softlink Liberty3 to export to XML and for RSS feeds."
A leader in MA and PhD degrees in art scholarship, connoisseurship and art business, Sotheby’s Institute of Art – London will use Liberty3’s entirely web-based library management system. The library in London holds around 16,000 books and pamphlets, relevant art and design periodicals and runs of the Sotheby's catalogues.
€191m turnover engineering consultancy Royal Haskoning will use Liberty3 in its two main learning resource centres, in the UK and the Netherlands. 30 of its offices worldwide will also use the library system through Softlink’s ASP/remote hosting arrangements.
The UK’s Chartered Institute for landscape architects, The Landscape Institute, has also chosen Liberty3 to automate its library. The Institute’s library houses around 5,000 books, reports and pamphlets on landscape architecture and related subjects, along with an emerging drawings archive. Based in Great Portland Street, London, the collection also includes relevant periodical titles, slides, and audio-visual material as well as a selection of British Standards, government publications and legislation.
**Liberty3 will be on show at Softlink’s stand at the Library and Information Show, Birmingham, from 20-21st April, stand number 116.**
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Softlink Europe
Library technology specialist Softlink invests in research and development to provide library technology for the 21st century and to offer a suite of products that offers unlimited possibilities for education, public, corporate and special libraries. The product range includes Alice and Oliver for school libraries, and Liberty3 for the corporate, special and higher education sectors. Limes Library Automation Software including Millenia and Evolution and pi Primer has now become the responsibility of Softlink Europe Ltd.
With 20 years of experience and over 10,000 installations of library management solutions worldwide in libraries in a variety of sectors, Softlink Europe is well placed to implement quickly and efficiently from its Oxford and North of England offices. The library automation specialist has a UK-based support and development team and is a firm believer in investment in research and development to provide library technology for the 21st century.
Catherine Dhanjal, TheAnswer Ltd, Tel: 0208 655 0953/0794 166 9925
Date: 15 April 2005 Ref: TA-253
Company: Softlink Europe
Contact Name: Michael Hughes
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 01993 883401
Contact Name: Michael Hughes
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 01993 883401