Neuralgia is an abnormal symptom with effects like sharp, burning, and mostly severe pain, due to an irritated or damaged nerve. The causative nerve may be from anywhere in the body, The damage caused by the nerve is associated with several factors like aging, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, shingles infection, and more. Therefore, Neuralgia Treatment for the pain is directed towards its roots or its site of origin. Potential Neuralgia Treatment may include surgery to relieve the pressure, control of sugar level in the blood of diabetic patients, physical therapy or body massage, epidural injections to 'turn off' pain signals and reduce inflammation directed at a particular nerve or nerve group, and medicinal Neuralgia Treatment to reduce the pain. The Neuralgia Treatment market is driven by the occurrence of common neuralgias such as trigeminal, postherpetic, glossopharyngeal, and occipital neuralgia. More uncommon Neuralgia Treatment may be required for periorbital and auricular neuralgias.